The procedure for laying an underground cable.

At work, where you need to replace the underground cable, you have laid a temporary, or buried the wire, you need to do the following steps:

On New Installations (NC, RC and COS):


On all other orders:


(The easiest way to get a FAIL result is simply to unplug the wire.)

When closing a job to the question "Is there Underground...Needed" Answering "YES"

A form will pop up, fill it out. (If you have buried a line answer NO to the question Is a temporary Underground Drop Left? Answer YES)

In Resolution Codes, everything is standard, if there is Completed then select it if not then Add Outlet.

Next, if you buried the cable send the dispatcher all the job information and finalize it:

Please move bury on me.

Example letter: Drop bury message

The letter should be sent immediately after closing the job, otherwise a digger will arrive in time for it.

If the cable is in a temporary arrangement, no additional action is required. (We do not inform the dispatcher)

Make sure you leave enough cable behind the diggers, install gray tubes, and dig under the underground tap rather than going over the top or through the hole.

On every job where underground cable replacement is needed, a TDR test should be done.

On every job where underground cable replacement is needed, a TDR test should be done.

After the job closes send a letter to your neighborhood post office adding me to the copy (

Post subject line: Drop bury and your tech number

In Content:

  1. Technician number
  2. Job number
  3. Account number
  4. Address
  5. Drop length
  6. Photo before and after digging
  7. And we write: Please move DB on me.

Warning! Throwing cable over concrete is prohibited!

In both cases, the cable must be laid under the tracks. Stretch under the track.

If the concrete is adjacent to the house, it is probably not possible to run new cable in this case. Photo examples.

In these two cases, there is no way the digger can dig through to the house.

It's no use ordering a corkscrew.

Explanation of ITG form

1) Routing Area:

For TC1/2 - Hillsborough.

For the rest of us, it's simple.

2) Identical to

3) Check the box

4) TDR Complete: Make sure you have done a TDR test and check the box.

5) Account Number: Account number from the application.

6) Identical to

7) Identical to

8) WO Number: Work Order Number From Application

9) Address: Address from the application

10) Zip Code: From the application

11) Tech Number: Your Tech Number

12) Drop Buried: Did you bury the cable?

Answer options:

Yes, No, Left the Time

13) Drop Footage (Cable length)

Answer options:

9A - (up to 150ft)

9B - (150 to 250ft)

9C - (from 250 ft)

14) DWB Needed: Whether or not you need a burrow under the Drive.

15) WO Comments (Additional Comments)

16) Completion Date

If the wire has been buried - the DROP BURY job will come at you during the day.

You have to select it, stand on it, and immediately click "Complete Job".

In Resolution Codes select:

  • If the wire length Up to 150ft - DB up to 150FT
  • If 150 to 250ft, then DB up to 250FT
  • If 250 and up, then DB UP to 400FT