MDU (Bad Prewire)

In the cases when at the drop coming from the tap is cut,

is damaged, or not run at all, at apartments, you need to order an MDU.

MDJ procedure:

  1. Find the main split in the apartment (Main Split) And take a picture of it.
  2. If there is any doubt which of the cables is the drop - Wire all the cables and find which one goes to which outlet.
  3. For each cable that we can't find where it goes, we do Channel Scan and TDR (Take a picture of the results).
  4. All photos should clearly show what the miter is connected to and what values are displayed
  5. Next we go to the tap and measure the signal from the tap. (taking pictures)
  6. Find your drop on tap and do a TDR test documenting the result.
  7. Now we plan how the new cable should run. Our task is to propose a route. Take photos of the cable path.
  8. Draw a picture of how you want the cable to be routed (Examples of photos below the post).
  9. Send all the photos you take to your supervisor to get approval for your MDU order
  10. Pass it on to the client MDU Prewire Form to fill out and sign. (Take a photo of the signed form) Download foma
  11. Send Dispatch all the information you have gathered and all the pictures. Ask to create an Evaluation, it pays in the neighborhood of 20$.
  12. Call the DOJ and tell them that the job was referred to bad wiring and ask them to remove the job.

Examples of photos for "Evaluation":
